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HTML5 is now the leading edge markup for online standards. The capabilities are still being explored as the language is still being developed, however with what is being developed already, we are seeing a change in the way online development is headed. With HTML5 we have already seen the ability to render fully animated games online, such as the popular Angry Birds, all the way to the more technical process of sending packets via devices, such as Tether’s new application which shares packets between iPhone and desktop computers. This is very exciting for us at Amortech, as we are constantly keeping up with latest technologies and integrating them into new web applications for our ever expanding list of clients who are demanding the latest for their online presence.

With HTML5 we are seeing a lot of developer tools which are poised to lessen the initial learning curve for the language. The leading web kit available right now is appMobi, which is a cross platform mobile development and deployment set of tools and services. The motive behind appMobi is to provide the missing features to HTML5 which are apparent in other proprietary solutions, and ultimately secure HTML5 as the leading language for all mobile development. Features such as a development, debugging and build system environment for HTML5, user authentication, ‘touch and buy’, push notifications, user analytics, and on-device app updates are some of the tools appMobi has developed for use.

Another product they have released is directCanvas, which is an HTML5 acceleration technology which is a great toolkit for developing games. Earlier this month appMobi announced it is ported over to the Android operating system, and although it’s still in beta testing, the technology is there and the product will be fully supported in the near future. Sam Abadir CTO of appMobi stated “With over 300 million devices in the field, and adding 850,000 new devices every day, the Android smartphone platform dominates the Apple iOS platform in size, yet we have seen very few hit Android games. We intend to change that.” This is a huge step for the Android platform, as most of their games have been iOS games simply being ported over, but not many have been getting developed strictly for that platform. What directCanvas provides will be a refresh rate 10 times faster under their hardware, and accelerates sound and physics calculations, which will directly correlate to the speed and smoothness of animations in games on your device. The in-game physics calculations will be accelerated by 4000 percent, which again will be changing the level of game development for the mobile platforms.

As web technologies advance, we at Amortech spend the time to familiarize ourselves with these new standards, and understand how we can produce a better product for our clients. This new web standard being HTML5 will surely restructure how web applications are getting developed, and we are excited to be a part of this movement from the ground level, and look forward to producing new and exciting applications in the near future. Follow us on twitter as we will keep you posted on new projects are getting developed and released by us. Be sure to contact us with any mobile web application ideas you have!


Author amortech

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